Navigating Life As A Masker in 2023

I do think all of us covid-aware folks are experiencing trauma. And it's not PTSD because we arent in the "post" phase of this. We experience it daily. And yet we have to survive around this severe Covid-denialism resulting in people injuring themselves, others, and posing threats to us. It isn't easy. Because we can't get pulled into denial or false reality, but also we can't deal with being gaslit all the time, and we depend on some of these people and institutions, even if temporarily until we find safer substitutes. Navigating them safely is very hard. And tiring. But, we are fast and strong, and we can get by the tricks. What I recommend is finding what you are comfortable functioning in both professionally and personally. Think about what you can do. Find a profession/job/education that keeps you and your family safe. Look at virtual/remote positions and/or schools. Virtual and remote positions are rapidly expanding and have not went back to pre-pandemi...