WHO Still Misses the Mark on COVID

The World Health Organization (WHO) Still Misses the Mark on COVID by Shea O'Neil, 4-26-24 Read on to see how the WHO once again misses an opportunity to clarify what we need to do to truly protect ourselves from COVID-19. So you may have heard the news that the WHO finally said # COVIDisAirborne --well, they tried at least, however they could only cough out, "IRPs travel through the air")-- it's like pulling teeth with these guys! IRPs is a new word they coined for Infectious Respiratory Particles, that includes what many scientists before referred to as aerosols, or those small particles that come out when an infectious person exhales, that can travel beyond 6 feet, travel through shared air and shared air systems, and linger in indoor environments for hours after the infectious person has left. The image above is how many of the media covered the WHO's April 2024 Report on Proposed Terminology for Pathogens that Transmit Through the Air . As you can see ...