
WHO Still Misses the Mark on COVID

The World Health Organization (WHO)  Still Misses the Mark on COVID by Shea O'Neil, 4-26-24 Read on to see how the WHO once again misses an opportunity to clarify what we need to do to truly protect ourselves from COVID-19.  So you may have heard the news that the WHO finally said # COVIDisAirborne --well, they tried at least, however they could only cough out, "IRPs travel through the air")-- it's like pulling teeth with these guys! IRPs is a new word they coined for Infectious Respiratory Particles, that includes what many scientists before referred to as aerosols, or those small particles that come out when an infectious person exhales, that can travel beyond 6 feet, travel through shared air and shared air systems, and linger in indoor environments for hours after the infectious person has left.  The image above is how many of the media covered the WHO's April 2024 Report on Proposed Terminology for Pathogens that Transmit Through the Air   . As you can see

Proof CDC is Intentionally Endangering People and in the Pockets of Big Business

  Proof CDC is Intentionally  Endangering People and in the Pockets of Big Business I can't believe the CDC is saying wear a "face mask" for known measles without specifying n-95. (They define face masks are surgical or procedural masks, you can see the footnote at the bottom of this screenshot from )  Until now, I wasn't absolutely sure that their policies that result in genocide of the elderly and ill, the disregard of care for even healthy individuals if that care conflicts with short-term big business profits or politics, their policies that recklessly endanger kids by pushing them back into schools unprotected (so they could get their parents back to work and in the offices that the real estate businesses so demanded)...well..  I still wasn't absolutely certain that all of that was 100% intentional..I thought maybe they're just bozos slowly digging themselves into a hole.. like in this com

Dead Beat CDC

  Dead Beat CDC By The Maskers Comic 3-4-24 I keep asking myself … what is the CDC thinking? Especially with their latest March 2024 isolation guidance change (which tells people who are still contagious to return to their normal activities around others, knowing Covid is highly infectious, knowing about long Covid and reinfection risks). I mean, what ARE they thinking??? And then, it hit me … The CDC. Is treating us like we have Alzheimer's! I mean… check it out:   Just look at #1 …."Never Argue, Instead Agree" right after California and Oregon made their isolation-lowering policy changes, people looked to CDC for a response and CDC… just .. didn't..  argue (despite even their own research showing COVID is contagious for at least 8 days in the majority of cases. They simply shrugged and agreed.   🤗 And, I don't think I need to say they "never reason", and are masters of diversion . That literally is the defining characteristic of every Covid policy.

You wouldn't take this risk on other things!

You Wouldn't Take This Risk on Other Things There has been a repeated term of "Knowing your risk", often with a tangent of: "higher risk individuals do this", and "most people are ok". It's a scammers way of saying things, really. " Most people" can mean 51%. Compared to 49%. Practically a coin flip. So that phrase should be eliminated. But you hear it all the time, " most people" will recover. But will they? Define recover. If you look into it, you will see they mean only in the acute phase that most people won't get hospitalized and/or die. Even that isn't a guarantee as COVID-19 remains a top killer. But let's go with that we live.  Some studies show between 10% and 50% get long COVID, even in mild cases. I've even seen studies that go up to 70% when they follow people long enough over more than one infection. But even in the more conservative percents, that technically are not "most people", those

Yes I'm Still Masking.

Yes I am still masking.  In case you are still asking. No I don't want to go on a vacation.  It is not relaxing to stay there  And share the air  with Covid everywhere.  Yes I still want masking in healthcare.  But I don't even believe in healthcare anymore. They've all exposed themselves as frauds.  So that is a lost cause.  No I don't want to play pretend  that this pandemic will ever end Without you first becoming a friend And wearing a mask Until the end.  No I don't want to cry.  No I don't want to die.  So I guess I'll say good-bye. 

Navigating Life As A Masker in 2023

I do think all of us covid-aware folks are experiencing trauma. And it's not PTSD because we arent in the "post" phase of this. We experience it daily. And yet we have to survive around this severe Covid-denialism resulting in people injuring themselves, others, and posing threats to us. It isn't easy. Because we can't get pulled into denial or false reality, but also we can't deal with being gaslit all the time, and we depend on some of these people and institutions, even if temporarily until we find safer substitutes. Navigating them safely is very hard. And tiring. But, we are fast and strong, and we can get by the tricks.  What I recommend is finding what you are comfortable functioning in both professionally and personally. Think about what you can do. Find a profession/job/education that keeps you and your family safe. Look at virtual/remote positions and/or schools. Virtual and remote positions are rapidly expanding and have not went back to pre-pandemi

The Chosen Warriors

The Chosen Warriors I realize, and I hope you all do too, that we are the abled in this situation. That we are strong enough to cope, and thus we are able to see the reality of the situation. Denial is a psychological defense mechanism, often fully or partially unconscious. For whatever reason, our life circumstances maybe, our education level, our ability to stand against the crowd, our strength-- we are the chosen warriors in this battle, not just against Covid but against this denialism at mass scale. Many of us are from the disabled community and we are at advantage bc we often have some supports in place, know our vulnerabilities, don't have to feign strength and wellness, have a head start in advocating for our needs our survival. We know how to be different and stand against the crowd. We have a head start. Those trapped in denial are putting not just us at constant risk, but themselves. And the future of society at that, our system can't handle mass disablement of workf